Printable Italian / English 72 Routine Cards

$14.99 Sale Save

Are you a bilingual family? Or are you wanting to help your child learn a second language?

Help your little one learn Italian whilst creating a structured day with our hand-drawn bespoke routine cards. These cards have been thoughtfully created with your little one in mind. Little ones love nothing more than feeling like a big kid, giving them control within limits is a great way to achieve this.

Sit down together and organise their day. A little one who's heard and understood is more likely to be happy to go through their daily routine. It definitely beats tantrums and refusal to cooperate.

Give it a go, we hope it helps your day-to-day life.

This Italian pack includes 72 routine cards, taking your toddler from early childhood into the new season of schooling and responsibilities. Both Italian and English translations are included on each card.

Have another language request? Send us a message, we would love to help!

This direct digital download includes the following cards:

Pettinare i capelli
Andare in bagno
Fare colazione
Lavare i denti
Giocare fuori
Tempo libero
Fare il letto
Fare merenda
Tempo libero
Gioco tranquillo
Ora di riposare
Prepare la borsa
Fare il bagno
Ora delle favole
Ora di coccole
Ora di andare a dormire
Lavare la faccia
Mettere la crema solare
Mettere le scarpe
Mettere la giacca
Mettere il ​​cappello
Ascoltare la musica
Ora d'arte
Tempo davanti allo schermo
Giocare con amici
Giro in bicicletta
Prendere la medicina
Prendere le vitamine
Tempo in famiglia
Andare parco
Tempo libero
Prepare la borsa
Disfare la borsa
Portare fuori i rifiuti
Preparare il pranzo al sacco
Andare a scuola
Prendersi cura dell'animale domestico
Viaggio in macchina
Prendre l'autobus
Portare il cane a passeggio
Lavare i piatti
Pulire i rifuiti delgi animani domestici
Lavare il cane
Pulire la stanza
Pulire la stanza dei giochi
Fare sport
Fare il bucato
Fare le faccende
Lezione di musica
Pulire il bagno
Innaffiare le piante
Aiutare a cucinare la cena
Apparecchiare la tavola
Spegnere le luci


Please note this is a non-editable digital download. No physical product will be shipped. Colours may vary due to how monitors and printers read colours differently. These files are for personal use only. Files may not be shared, copied or sold to any third party.

We do not offer refunds on instant download files due to the nature of the product so please read everything carefully so that you understand what you are purchasing. If you have any questions please contact us anytime.

Also includes;

12 x Blank cards
1 x Set of Routine Cards (99 x 105mm) - 6 to 1 A4 Sheet
1 x Set of 24hr Time Cards from 05:00 until 21:00 - 15min intervals (if you require AM/PM time format please send us a message)
1 x Set Days of the Week

We recommend printing on heavier-weight paper or laminate for extra durability.

Please note: This is a non-editable digital download. No physical product will be shipped. These files are for personal use only. Files may not be shared, copied or sold to any third party. If you need a commercial license or would like to become a stockist, please contact us.

We do not offer refunds on instant download files due to the nature of the product so please read everything carefully so that you understand what you are purchasing. If you have any questions please contact us anytime.


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