Printable Spanish / English 72 Routine Cards
Are you a bilingual family? Or are you wanting to help your child learn a second language?
Help your little one learn Spanish whilst creating a structured day with our hand-drawn bespoke visual schedule. These cards have been thoughtfully created with your little one in mind. Little ones love nothing more than feeling like a big kid, giving them control within limits is a great way to achieve this.
Sit down together and organise their day. A little one who's heard and understood is more likely to be happy to go through their daily routine. It definitely beats tantrums and refusal to cooperate.
Give it a go, we hope it helps your day-to-day life.
Based on our original and best-selling routine cards, this Spanish pack includes 72 routine cards, taking your toddler from early childhood into the new season of schooling and responsibilities. Both Spanish and English translations are included on each card.
Have another language request? Send us a message, we would love to help!
Includes the following cards:
Wake up - Levantarme
Put on shoes - Ponerme los zapatos
Toilet x2 - Hacer Pis
Eat breakfast - Desayunar
Get dressed - Vestirme
Brush teeth x2 - Cepillarme los dientes
Brush hair - Peinarme
Put on sunscreen - Ponerme protector solar
Put on hat - Ponerme el gorro
Put on jacket - Ponerme el abrigo
Gloves/Scarf - Guantes/Bufanda
Wash face - Lavarme la cara
Make bed - Hacer mi cama
Free time - Tiempo libre
Play outside - Jugar afuera
Eat snack x2 - Comer el snack
Eat lunch - Almorzar
Quiet play - Juego tranquilo
Rest time - Descansar
Pack up - Empacar
Swimming - Nadar
Shopping - Ir de compras
Go to park - Ir al parque
Family time - Tiempo en familia
Car trip - Paseo en coche
Catch bus - Coger el autobús
Pack Lunch - Empacar el almuerzo
Bike ride - Ir en bici
Library - Biblioteca
Pack bag - Hacer la mochila
Unpack bag - Deshacer la mochila
Go to school - Ir al cole
Play sport - Hacer deporte
Music lesson - Clase de música
Play date - Jugar con mis amigos
Clean room - Limpiar mi habitación
Clean toy room - Recoger mis juguetes
Do laundry - Lavar la ropa
Do chores - Hacer mis tareas
Do dishes - Lavar los platos
Dentist - Dentista
Take vitamins - Tomar vitaminas
Water plants - Regar las plantas
Free time - Tiempo libre
Party - Fiesta
Listen to music - Escuchar música
Craft time - Manualidades
Care for pet - Cuidar la mascota
Walk dog - Pasear al perro
Wash dog - Lavar al perro
Clean pet waste - Limpiar la mascota
Clean bathroom - Limpiar el baño
Homework - Tareas
Watch TV - Ver la tele
Doctor - Ir al médico
Take medication - Tomar la medicina
Study - Estudiar
Take out trash - Sacar la basura
Help cook dinner - Hacer la cena
Set the table - Poner la mesa
Wash face - Lavarme la cara
Lights out - Apagar la luz
Get a drink - Beber
Eat dinner - Cenar
Story time - Leer
Bath/shower - Bañarme/Ducharme
Pyjamas - Pijama
Cuddle time - Hora de mimos
Bed time - Hora de dormir
Also includes;
12 x Blank cards
1 x Set of Routine Cards (99 x 105mm) - 6 to 1 A4 Sheet
1 x Set of 24hr Time Cards from 05:00 until 21:00 - 15min intervals (if you require AM/PM time format please send us a message)
1 x Set Days of the Week
We recommend printing on heavier-weight paper or laminate for extra durability.